Writing is one of the instruments to deliver inspiration and ideas in written form that can be read by others. It involves knowledge and skill that comes from experience; it can be personal or others experiences. In general, writing is an activity which is useful for oneself and others. Booth, et al., (2008, p .12) describes the three functions of writing. According to him, these three functions are write to remember, write to understand, and write to test your thinking. All of them will be explained below.
First, writing to remember. This is related to the human nature that is created not perfect. Everyone has lack ability to remember or understand something perfectly. For example, in the case when someone read a book. He will not memorize and understand the contents of the book as a whole. He tends to take the important points in the book that are considered useful for him. Thus, if the readings are not rewritten, the opportunity to forget will be large. Booth et al,. (2008, p. 12) said that "When you do not take notes on what you read, you're Likely to forget or worse misremember it".  Their opinion indicates that rewriting of ideas or important points from the readings or from experience is very important. Beside to remember, these records are also useful for the long term. The existence of ancient manuscripts and writings in the caves give a proof that writing is one of the ways to remember. If the writings do not exist, surely the history of the past will be difficult to be learnt. Through these writings, the modern society can learn and know the information in the past history.
Second, writing to understand. Sometimes someone does not understand about what he has written down. Writing is one of the ways to test his understanding. By writing person will read a variety of literature to enrich his term of word and add to the talk in the form of written. Booth, et al., say that “A second reason for writing is to see larger pattern in what you read. When you arrange and Rearrange the result of your research in new ways, you discover new implications, connections, and complications "(2008, p. 12). The opinion from Booth, et al.,  reinforcing that a person who writes will get 'something new' that he does not find when he does not write. The more someone writing, the more arises in him a desire to know what he has been written in more detailed. It encourages him to be more active to know a lot of things he does not know before. The author of Quantum Writing also a  motivator, Hernowo says  "a good writer, because he was a good reader". He has proved that writing took him to understand many things. For 3 years he has written 17 books and some of his books became the bestseller in Indonesia.

Finally, the third function according to Booth, et al., writing  is to test your thinking. They stated, "A third reason to write is to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, where you'll see what you really can think" (2008, p. 12). The opinion from Booth, et al., Is true. If someone gets information from books or listen it from seminars, television and other media tries to write the information into an article. By rewriting, someone can assess how far he can understand the information well. By rewriting the past memories can be stored his writing. However, it is not easy to rewrite the information, because the spoken language is very different from the written language. Written language emphasizes the systematic writing, logical and can connect or compare the information that has been acquired. While the spoken language, are more prioritize in information and pragmatic aspects.
Thus, rewriting the information that is obtained is useful to test your mind and make your ability in thinking and writing will increase. Those are the three opinions which are expressed by Booth et al., about the function of writing. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing will bring you to know many things. By writing you can improve your writing skills and also train your mind to solve the problems. Imam Al-Ghazali says that , "If you are not a king's son, and you are not the children of the great scholars, so just become a writer". Begin to make a habit to write anything. The habit that must be nurtured from an early, any form of writing it is not important. The important thing is the process of writing and the culture to write itself.

(created by  Nasrul SN’ and translated by Epi Stiyo  )

A bilingual person is someone who speaks two languages (Birner, nd). According to Webster’s dictionary via Harmer and Blanch (2004, 6) bilingual is defined as “having or using two languages especially as spoken with the fluency characteristic of a native speaker; a person using two languages especially habitually and with control like that of a native speaker’ and bilingualism as ‘the constant oral use of two languages”. Speech community that is opened, dynamic, and can interact with other speech community is one the factor of the emergence of bilingualism. Background which promotes it is due to the language contact in brain. The Language contact occurs because of the movement of people by reason of education, politics, economics, religion, and natural disasters that occur in contact with speakers of other languages (Wahyudin, 2012). In Indonesia, the case of bilingual is experienced by almost of half the Indonesian. Indonesian society can master their Indonesian and regional language, at least one of them only as the lingua franca in certain places. However, in this writing, the writer will not discuss about the case of bilingualism in Indonesia, but just look at from the standpoint of the advantages of being bilingual. According to Birner (nd) there are some advantages of becoming a bilingual. They are for the child's cognitive development, for the child's sense of cultural identity, for compete in the world of work, and in an increasingly global marketplace. These advantages will be explained one by one.
First, many linguists feel that knowing a second language actually benefits a child's cognitive development (Birner, nd). A bilingual child has sharper cognitive abilities. He accustomed to express something in a language that he has been obtained. Bilingualism process is able to make his brain active although in the end he only using one language. Language, first developed as a means of social communication, is later internalized and Becomes a crucial tool in the shaping of cognitive processes relevant for the elaboration of the abstract symbolic system of the which will enable the child to organisé thought (Harmer and Blanch, 2004: 82 ) Therefore, many linguists advise parents to teach their children more than one language. This language ability is the children’s competency in receiving language and trains these competencies into preformation that will be used by children when they are adult.
Second, According to Binary (nd) being Able to speak the language of the family's ethnic heritage may be important for the child's sense of cultural identity. It can be seen in the case of ethnic Javanese who did transmigration in the era of the 70s. They did it from Java island to Sumatera island. They used the Java language as their mother tongue, while in their new area; they met with the natives who spoke Malay. The contact between both languages was happened at that time, as a result the language mixing happened and they could master both languages. However, their first language was not lost, but it was used as one of their identity that inherent in the Java community. Likewise, the natives also make their first language as a social identity. They still use their first language even when communicating with Java tribe, sometimes mixed code and code switching occurs in this situation..
 Third, in an increasingly global marketplace, it's an advantage for anyone to know more than one language (Birner, nd). Nowadays the need for professional workforce in Indonesia is getting increase. It is also give the impact on competitiveness in getting jobs. Someone who has more than one language (Indonesian and foreign language) has a special attraction for the companies in recruiting new employees. Bilingual has a better chance than just monolingual. Moreover, foreign companies in Indonesia, looking for employees who can speak more than one language. Of course, the competition in the work’s world also requires the soft skills from the employees, especially in language skills and other aspects.
            Finally, according Burner (nd) bilingulaisme function is for people of any age or profession, knowing a second language encourages cross-cultural awareness and understanding. The awareness of the benefits of a second language will encourage people to know the social and cultural from the language. The word proverb states "The language indicates the character of the nation". This is true; a language indicates the cultural and social community. Someone who   loves a language is demanded to know the culture of the language further.
(created by  Nasrul SN and translated by Epi Stiyo  )

these are some beautiful sentences that i found this morning, might it's useful to start your new day :)

 “Keberhasilan yang besar hanya bisa didapatkan dengan perjuangan yang besar. Jangan salahkan kesulitan, karena hanya dengannya nanti kamu akan mengerti apa makna perjuangan dan sebuah kemenangan”

“Jika kamu letih setelah berbuat kebaikan, maka keletihan itu akan hilang dan kebaikan itu akan kekal. Jika kamu bersenang-senang dalam kesia-siaan, maka kesenangan itu akan hilang dan kesia-siaan itu kekal. Para pejuang sejati tak suka berjanji, tapi begitu mereka memutuskan untuk berbuat, maka mereka akan segera membuat rencana untuk memberi. Jangan pernah lelah untuk berkarya, karena karya kitalah yang dinanti negeri ini…”

Yesterday in MKU I felt annoyed, sad, and happy. I annoyed because I had to wear the wet cloth, the wet shoes, everything wet (because of rain). I felt sad because some of my books were wet too. The Air Conditioner in my class also On, I felt so cold, I thought that I would be sick at that time. I felt happy at that time, at 2.30 p.m. When I was studying with ibuk Murniati, she was a good teacher for me. I like her style in teach the student. Ups sorry, I forget to introduce her to you. Ibuk Murniati is my MKU lecturer, exactly for PPD (Perkembangan Peserta Didik). I study with her every Wednesday at 1.20 p.m.
She is Javanese same with me, sometimes she explains about our subject in Java language (in good pronunciation). Most of my friends in that class don’t understand about the meaning, they just node or laugh when my lecturer do it.
I ‘m very interesting to study with her, not because she is Javanese (kampoeng nisme) but I wonder with her struggle in teaching, although she is not young again (about 60 years old) she still strong.
She has much knowledge in psychology, I like listening her explanation than sleeping like some of my friends. In teaching she not only explains about our material, but she also gives more beyond, like tell about her life. Sometimes she tell about Jogja, her home town (you know, Jogja is my favorite city and my destination place. I want to go to Malioboro ).
Will it ever be

Im trying so hard to find sweet serenity

Are you still afraid

Just close your eyes and dream

The feeling fade away

Time won't flow

Everyone knows

When the pain fades away

Dreams won't die

Tears in our eyes

You've got to hold your head up high

Morning every body....
Today was an extraordinary day, it was incredible, starting with Morsin lesson at 08:50 a.m.followed by Introduction to Literature at 10:30 a.m. Perhaps only two courses for Today, but both courses are quite spend much energy, why?
The first, for Morsyn lesson, in my opinion, this lesson is a lesson that asks us to read, understand, and thorough. This lesson is quite difficult to understand, maybe because I am not from linguistic, but sometimes the lessons are also fascinating, especially because we are guided by ibuk Pik, She was a cool lecturer in terms of explaining. I like her style when she is explaining this subject.
The second lesson is Introduction to Literature, this study also takes much my energy, first because its not easy to understand, the second, we had to climb 72 flights of stairs (the third floor of FBS building ). It's make me tired guys. but life is full of struggle. but i still happy I'm not alone, because all of my friends do the same with me, as well as the lecturers. keep spirit my friend,,,,, I hope the elevator will be repaired quickly ....

one Afternoon, when I walked in front of the central library on My campus , in the heat of the hot sun during the day around 1 p.m. I saw a middle-aged man was cleaning the front yard and weed the library. I was very surprised, in this sophisticated middle age, middle age rapidly evolving technology, there are still people who mow the grass by hand. yeah I saw the man just bring a broom, without using the tools of others, he occasionally pull out little grass just with his hands . I was very surprised at all when looking at the results, wow wonderful, beat the lawn mower, very clean.

keep fighting Pak, YOU are our hero in library yard, i just want to say thank you. i honor you like another people, for me you are the best, i like your spirit, any where you are I hope you will be happy forever.